One Night Ultimate Werewolf - Village Wins

So we have no idea if we are swapped right? How exactly does that work.

It is very simple. You don’t know if your role was swapped or not. It’s the most exciting part of ONUW that seperates it from being just a 1 cycle FM game


Lynch me
I’ll lead us to Victoria

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/Vote Shurian
Target found

Voted Voters Number of Votes
Shurian Marluxion 1

Now Lynch me

Why vote Shurian?

And why assume you aren’t a minion/Tanner?


Because then I’d be a nerd

Nah I’m not voting marl. The fact that I would rather play the game instead of letting someone else make all the choices and the fact that he could be a tanner/minion

/Vote Pug

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All part of my master plan

Calling it now that Marl started as tanner :^)


Anyways I have no idea what I’m doing

Is there any reason for everybody not to claim right away other than baiting out scum?

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No u

marl no


Also same

I have no idea what I’m doing
I just honestly claimed my role

wait this?

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So can we just claim our roles since we have no idea what we are doing. Is there a negative to this or should we start a mass claim and see who the drunks redirected and so on.

I don’t think there’s any major issues

not knowing is a detriment to town alone I think

but as I said, idk really

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