One Night Ultimate Werewolf - Village Wins

Mass claim time.

I’m a mason let’s go.


and you know the same is true of jammy and me (hi, doppelganger into mason here. yes this means marl is lying but why i do not know), and since nuclear knew of jammy being a mason due to being a robber that means they are both town to our current knowledge


Stop. There is a method to this

method is for losers :^)


I have no idea what we are doing mass claiming seems the best option to see who drunks redirected.

ESPECIALLY for the Mason’s. You just made the same mistake as Marl

We don’t have any idea what we are now tho

You can’t say it’s a mistake until the wolves win :wink:

Did we do something wrong.


Ashe I already said my doppelganger claim was a lie

What should of we done.

Marl made no mistake because their claim is a lie

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Wait wat

then what are you

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One of you claim Troublemaker and the other keeps quiet

But then the trouble maker would CC.


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what is this high level strategy shenanigans in a game where most are playing this for the first time by the looks of it

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Then the troublemaker would also be making a mistake