One Night Ultimate Werewolf - Village Wins

So what is this a wifom minefield

I was werewolf tho prob i am hunter now.So /vote Marl

This seems like an elaborate meta that has no place in a game full of beginners


It is

So, tanner?


Or openwolfing for the fakeout :thinking:

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You donā€™t want to defend yourself if you are already proven to a critical mass

You are assuming everyone is tanner tho

Great minds think alike, Ashe!

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No just you

In this case critical mass is 3

Nuke we have no idea why they wouldnā€™t claim.

It would make sense for everyone to out their actions tbh

Look. We need the troublemaker to claim

Not unless it was you

Here me out
We have a 4 man confirmed town thingo going on here so long as troublemaker and drunk and what not havenā€™t messed with us
So weā€™re in a sweet spot rn lol


Donā€™t out unless itā€™s as troublemaker

Or as a seer that saw a player

Yeah so Lynch me and I give us a 50% chance of hitting scum :^)

but you might not be hunter still lol

also tanner confirmed :^)