One Night Ultimate Werewolf - Village Wins

Idk maybe who knows I do maybe

he confirmed that with me too

10 billion iq
there is almost certainly a wolf in the center due to the cards we have discussed
so lynching shur/poke/capt = 1/3 chance of hitting wolf
lynching pug is ALSO a 1/3 chance of hitting wolf lel

EOD in 5 minutes :no_mouth:

How many people are voting shurian?

6, and it’s the highest vote

Gg werewolves won bcs Shurian wasn’t werewolf.Prob he was minion.

we shall see

also if marl is wolf somehow I’m killing his d&d character :^)

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@Icibalus EOD (I think)

You don’t have the guts! :^)

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also did you just admit you’re a wolf lol

doesn’t matter cause it’s post EOD of course but lol

No I’m actually Hunter

Oh cool marl want to do the fake flip?

If I were a wolf that’d be sick tho

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I’ll do the fake flip :^)

Shurian has been lynched, they were the tannerino

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Oh no also all in favor of forcing ici to do this again say I

i wanna host the next one so that I can spectate :^)

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Same lel