One Night Ultimate Werewolf - Village Wins

Like I want to dor he strat of making someone admit to being a wolf

Donā€™t worry. That definitely isnā€™t going anywhere

You gonna do set-ups that include roles from Daybreak, Vampire, and Alien?

Whatā€™s that :thinking:

Look it up.
There are currently three main ONUW expansions/sequels, and I think a fourth one is currently on Kickstarter.
One Night Ultimate Daybreak.
One Night Ultimate Vampire.
One Night Ultimate Alien.

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Theyā€™re somewhat balanced if you pretend Village Idiot doesnā€™t exist. (Thatā€™s a role in one of them.)

villlagers actually make it balanced tho

unlike herp derp 2 confi-town yay

Actually itā€™s ā€œHerpdiderp confirmed all scumā€

Regardless of villagers

I was thinking about doing an epic game

simplesy ONUW is most fun honestly

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esp with the ppl here not having played much


Main reason why I probably wonā€™t do that

Barring me.

And I guess me but not if Iā€™m hosting

ive played a lot of the base game irl with friends but have never played it online or other versions

the base game is so balanced and so much fun anyway tho

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I havenā€™t played it online either, but I have played with the other versions.
Sentinel makes base game slightly more fun, as well as some other roles like mortician and blob.

Have either of you guys played A Heist Gone Wrong?

No. Whatā€™s that?