One Night Ultimate Werewolf - Village Wins

Yeah but Insomniac is more fun

also the fact that Tracker gives too much info about other villagers imo

I think it’s cool but I also think it wouldn’t work

You don’t need to. It DOES work

And frankly none of that supports the idea that abilitys must be possible to do IRL to be valid

seeing “ooh nice i have became a werewolf wow” is gonna be way more fun than “oh look that guy is the tracker now and not me”

Kinda like how “Oh I guess I’m Robber now” Is less fun than “My card is suddenly in the center. Wonder how that happened?”

No it isn’t

Drunk is a shit role but I won’t let anyone touch it

Because you gotta work out who robbed you and there might be CCs and you’ve got your own little game

with tracker you just point and say “tracker”

Drunk in AHGW called Wildcard gets to look at the card he took. The role is far more enjoyable for it.

Insomniac is almost never “okay i guess i’m X now”, it’s almost always more

unless you’re playing with villagers but i don’t like villagers

ssooooooo copycat from ONUV except it’s slightly less interesting

No. The fact that he goes last changes a lot

villagers are bad in ONUW for balance and almost exclusively only for one night

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to be fair the copycat is shit and this sounds better

Copycat is only bad because it’s the only card that interacts with the center in ONUV tbh

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that’s fair

WC is a defense to “Swapped with scum” and adds a lot of possibility space.

For example unlike in One Night he goes after Revealer. So I had a game where a Robber was face up on the bottom

i never considered copycat + witch

that could be interesting

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