One Night Ultimate Werewolf - Village Wins

Dopplecat is best cat

I might run a game with a couple daybreak roles if noone else is planning on it

I am


honestly it would work better as turbo so maybe do it as 10/30 maybe?

Something like that. If I want to use witch then it has to be Turbo or else night will take forever

use village idiot

Don’t even joke about that

question to you fine folks:

Squire vs Minion, when to deploy the squire boy

When there are lots of swapping roles in play

what about we do silly theme games

mystic wolf + seer + app. seer + marksman + squire + beholder + psychic
adjust for balanced
and it’s just a fuckin
game focused around seeing things

You are a Really Fucking Stupid Asshole, allinged with yourself
At night, you may make as many swaps between any other players as you’d like except for your own card and then switch it for a random center card with your eyes closed.
You win if Fool is removed from Throne of Lies before the end of the game.


Translation: You lose

i have surpassed Village Iidot
fear me

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I intimidated you tho. Go back to sleep

Because fear makes you stay asleep I guess