One Night Ultimate Werewolf - Village Wins

I am our strongest npc

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Marluxion - Hunter
Shurian - No Claim
Firekitten - Mason
MaximusPrime - No Claim
Captain - No Claim
Boopydoop - Mason who is now a Robber
Pug - No Claim
NuclearBurrito - Robber who is now a Mason
GamerPoke - No Claim
Ashe - Doppelganger who is now a Mason

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We need the Troublemaker to out

Put the bottom cards in there too

the wat

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speaking of other cards though, I just remembered that centre cards are a thing lol

I wonder if we even have a troublemaker?


Is this the part where Jammu goes ā€œwait guys I wasnā€™t a masonā€

Marl is not hunter now.His card was swapped with mine btw

Why would anyone make a strategy that could be countered with a sentence though lol

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You have no way of knowing that

Not unless i am troublemaker

Youā€™re so face up Tanner Iā€™m physically cringing

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Youā€™re just saying fishy things to try to get voted

I really hope Captain is a werewolf
That would be impressive


Maybe i am not :^)

oh damn
better yet, a minion

thatā€™s the best possible outcome for their team regardless of if they get voted or not

hmmm :thinking:

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Heā€™s a tan minion

Also, if Iā€™m correct, if both werewolves were in the centre but the minion wasnā€™t they would just be a tanner essentially right? lol


So thereā€™s always that possibility I guess lol

Lots of weird stuff could go down really