One Night Ultimate Werewolf - Village Wins

because there’s no other role that’s neutral EV for both sides that I could use without inbalancing the game other than Tanner

Is there a way to learn it by any means ?

Pure logical deduction and the Insomniac’s Special Ability. Also, another clarification - You only use the ABILITY of your original role.

One more question.What is the use of classes at center ? Can they be swapped with our classes ?

yes, just read the classcards first ffs

it’s literally useless asking questions if you don’t read the classcards first, as nearly everything is explained there

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The center cards can be swapped via the Drunk’s ability. Just read the class cards and it’ll all make sense.

I don’t get it, is this like mafia or not?


no, not really

It’s sorta like Mafia. Again, just read the class cards and everything will sorta make sense.

So there’s one lynch phase and if it’s a mislynch town loses?


Yes. The Village win if a Werewolf dies or they don’t kill any villagers, the Werewolves win if all the Werewolves survive the day, the Minion wins if all the Werewolves survive and the Tanner wins if the Tanner dies.

Ok well

/spectate if I can otherwise. Have fun.

I will not be using spectators for this game since it will be over so quickly.

It makes all sense now.Night comes before than day.My bad.I was assuming game will end d1 without going to night since lynch ends the game.


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/confirm pre-in


Honestly Tanner is way too easy irl

May be a tad harder here but probably not

lol I just considered that a Robber could swap into Tanner and then you’d have someone who is now town (but doesn’t know it) trying to get themselves lynched lol

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