One Night Ultimate Werewolf - Village Wins


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That’s a ground level understanding of any kind of deduction game
that becomes irrelevant the more you play

I lie as every faction
If all village told the truth, nothing would be interesting and the wolves wouldn’t have to adapt in the slightest

Chaos has been proven to benefit the town

'I’m this lol jk I’m actually not" is not strategy it’s just being dumb

I was trying to see Firekitten’s reaction
which was ruined by burrito asking me for actual information

And if you try to bring up the argument that “Town don’t need to see any reactions to find wolves”

i’m going to lose my mind

either way
this is what we should be talking about
Pug already softed drunk
and shuri claimed to do something that a drunk cannot do

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but i firmly believe captain is the tanner as he immediately claimed wolf

so through that logic shuri = wolf/minion?

That’s not a reaction test though because noone is going to say “wow you’re right” in that scenario unless they were actually the seer

Or a wolf that is lying

Wolves don’t know minions

Yeah no

Wolves win if the minion dies

ok we can discuss this postgame after my starting card is revealed to be hunter and not tanner

You never say yes


So you say no and that the other person is a liar and a werewolf and you hang them and you win

Your strategy was never going to yield any results