One Night Ultimate Werewolf - Village Wins

but jammy says i’m a wolf, so i must be

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you get my point

nobody is counterclaiming hunter tho

could be centre ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I’m not saying you are scum I’m just saying asking to be lynched makes you seem sus even if there is an advantage to it if you are town because minion and tanner exist

i wanna do it because it’d be COOL

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my vote is on shurian anyway so doesn’t matter lel

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If Shurian subtley intentionally did that slip he is an actual god btw

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maybe it’s in the middle you dingus

duh the possibility exists
but i still claimed it before anyone else claimed anything
anyone who checked the center cards or my card or had the hunter card could easily counter my claim

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actually burrito claimed robber before i claimed hunter, but i digress

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Yeah I claimed first post the second I was aloud to. Can’t beat that

Thoughts on Shuri’s slip?

Meh. Could mean something but we don’t have a full claimlist yet. Still waiting on the TM claim

Next I /vote NuclearBurrito

Do you really want to accuse 4 people of all working together and coordinating as scum dispite 0 CC?

Shuri’s tanner

Marl’s wolf

/vote Marl

Not tanner
You got it wrong
/vote BoopyDoop


Vote me