One Night Ultimate Werewolf - Village Wins

I know for sure Marl is lying so vote is staying on him

Cause hunter is in the middle

See @NuclearBurrito a wolf wouldnā€™t be stupid enough to say a hunter is lying and to vote them

Thatā€™s my problem

Yea something is definitely up

Too meny ways for this to go wrong

All in favor of just ignoring marl and gamer say I


(No offense but one of you is prob a minon)

No. Bad FK. Something important is here even if it isnā€™t the obvious thing

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Okay then I still suggest voting outside of them.

I can tell you for sure that Marl isnt hunter, what are the chances of me claiming seer and there being no CCs, very low

Itā€™s the same chance for there being no CCS for hunter
I think

100% if she is at the bottom

At the bottom?

Center. Whatever

The reason there are no CCā€™s is because hunter is in the middle

Ngl the fact that you are relying on the odds for a defense is scummy imo

You say I am scummy but what am I supposed to do to confirm myself as seer

Werewolfs can see bottom cards. You may only be claiming seer because you know there will be no CC

Yes but we canā€™t view it from your perspective we have to view it from ours.

Itā€™s the same chance I think.

Wait they would of known they could see cards and that saying that wouldnā€™t be helpful.


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