One Night Ultimate Werewolf - Village Wins

I am neither the wolf, nor the Minion. Minion and Hunter are in the middle and Im seer

He made an if statement

If you are telling the truth then his if statement doesnā€™t apply

/vote shurian

If you guys think he is evil, then I can join

I would keep deathtunneling marl if you really knew he was lying. You arenā€™t Town are you.

/vote Poke

nice slip

your reaction is so bad it hurts

Hold up

@Pug claim

Heā€™s probably minon imo.

We arenā€™t voting him.

Pug did claim drunk

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or at least he softed it
but i doubt we have time to wait for him to claim and then move our votes
we have like
16 hours

we canā€™t call fucking everyone a minion we have to kill someone

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I am seer, and Im following you guys because you guys arent following me


it can only imply drunk

Cool not poke. It doesnā€™t make sense for him to do it as a wolf.

Iā€™m not lynching on a soft claim

You would keep death tunneling marl if you were seer You arenā€™t


What this game is going to come down to is this
Do we think Shurianā€™s slip was intentional or accidental and he turned it into him trying to seem like a tanner afterwards?