One Night Ultimate Werewolf - Village Wins

err troublemaker
same thing

o k

Iā€™m ride or die on Shurian being a wolf here tbh
itā€™s obvious i kept my hunter card if the rest of the town arenā€™t lying

If you guys dont want to vote Marl, I hope you vote the second wolf if there is one, Im gonna go now

@Icibalus VC?



pls read the rest of my posts after that kthankx


Will do

Oh well, I was tanner and there was no way I was winning that with people thinking I am minion

also my point stands
if you werenā€™t tanner you wouldnā€™t be trying to contest what i just said :^)

wew lad where to begin

Marl, how bad did I do?

i dont think youā€™re actually tanner

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i still stand by my statement of
youā€™re a minion trying to cover for shurian

also why are you asking me
i succ at this game
first time

Just tell me how bad I did and kill Shurian, idc, I already lost

ask nuke lel

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Anyone just tell me

Nuclear can equal opportunity roast all of us at the end :^)

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