One Night Ultimate Werewolf - Village Wins

Oh yeah you still need to fix the Hunter Card

How was it supposed to be ?

He dies alongside who he votes

Let’s assume it.One villager one werewolf died.Which side wins ?


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Villager deaths only matter if there are no wolves

Villagers win if a Werwolf dies or they don’t kill a Villager with no wolves.

Wolves win if they survive unitl the of the game.

Wait how are you going to handle a Doppelganger-Werewolf?

Oooohhh… N0 maybe?

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Werewolfs and Masons see each other. Normally she just wakes up with the others but if everyone gets those results at the start of the night then we have a problem

24 hours for Doppelganger to act then 24 hours for everyone else?

Honestly you could just split the night phase in half for the roles where it matters and let them buffer actions

Or in otherwords. Werewolfs always submit a bottom card and they learn their teammates at the end of the night


Now let’s add a witch to REALLY overcomplicate things

out of curiosity is night actions happening all at once? because how does that even work

or is it in an order like the physical version


Yes, they will happen in the same order as the physical version. however, you will get your results at the end of the night always.

Start the day if everyone sent their action,thx.

I see
