Opinion Thread: The Fool (ToL)

And right now there is very little incentive to try and differentiate

Also exclude yourself

Well, there’s your mistake :man_shrugging:

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Like that wasn’t even subtle

You can read for scum And read for fool

I would probably substitute ‘indicative of being scum’ for ‘anti-town’ in Jake’s definition because I agree that the two don’t overlap perfectly

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Except the key difference is in the intent of what these two are trying to be read as

Scum are trying to be read as town or fool

Fool as scum


While that is rarely the case is dont see your point even it it wanst

Like if the point of your game is to pick from a collective whole the elements that don’t fit but need to try and blend in, giving a piece that doesn’t fit the goal of not blending in is uninteresting game design.

Then punishing people that correctly determine it does not fit hampers incentives to try and determine this in any way that isn’t infallible.

This is completely separate from any aspects of determining whether a piece that doesn’t fit doesn’t fit in the right or wrong way, as the former is purely deduction while the latter has elements of WIFOM hard-baked into it. And that is always going to prevent those looking at the puzzle from making confident determinations.

Well, if you continually get scumread as town because of how you act, then you’ll probably get better at the damn game. Why should it be that you progressively get worse at the game? Practically no other game works like that in the long run.

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I dont think I understood What you really meant by that but from What I did if you claim fool you Usually put yourself in a box Where you will be left to TKs So it isnt really beneficial for scum to do so

Hide - Grants death immunity by hiding from attackers.

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I dont really care as much for Its abilities as the goal

It’s hide ability makes it almost invincible to the only TK which can really kill it at Knight, besides Prince.

And that’s unique


when I played a few months ago
I don’t remember trying to distinguish based on posts who was scum, instead using posts as a relative to figure out who is probably town (given that scum loved to say worthless garbage or just not post in ToL for reasons)
For reading who might be scum, votes was a very obvious way to distinguish

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The problem with fool is that they impact the validity of reading a player as scum by their posts negatively.

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And that sucks
Since that’s fun

Ok… but again, just because you find something enjoyable doesn’t make it good.