Opinion Thread: The Fool (ToL)

No shit
It’s an opinion thread

Lynching Shurian over KyoDaz because…BD convert

Worse yet, neuts out over scum. Wot.

This example would disagree

And yes that is because Shurian is caught with fakeclaim being vampire lord…

Yet no one said Kyo is lying.

Wtf guys.

Even now? It’s different and does have slice of BD in them.

In case you haven’t noticed, yes the fool punish anyone from lynching them, because for whatever reason, one ability or two can be only used when they are lynched will hinder gathering the necessary info from night plans (A.K.A the plans they are meant to fail miserable even without the fool involved)

No ok, it appears you can still use it.

But make it worse though?

wait why does that exist

that’s ridiculous

Apparently you can deceive even in death.


(And he is male so…that doesn’t make him witch, that would be weird)

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The only thing that benefit BD for keeping in alive, but what gives?

This is a thread about ToL Fool, not FoL Fool

Discussion of whether FoL Fool is balanced should probably go in the feedback thread except in as much as it informs our opinions on ToL Fool


So, a Sorcerer? Or a Wizard?

to end this convo
fool bad

to resume this convo
fool good

The current ToL fool is garbo

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only because the punishment is inconsistent in how much it hurts different classes and how it hurts evils often more than BD

It hurts social deductipn by being a scum that you shouldn’t lynch.

As the Town, you shouldn’t be punished for making a “correct” lynch, which is just any lynch on a Scum player. The reason for this is because you have determined that they are most likely to flip scum out of everyone, so you want them lynched.

As Groupscum, you can just act like a piss-poor fool and survive a few days if people can’t get rid of you. Playing badly should never be a viable play, because you won’t ever get better if you just play poorly.

As fool, you have to play badly. See: Groupscum


I know you put the word in quotes but it’s still confusing to describe fool as a class that punishes BD for a “correct” lynch (how did you get fancy quotes?), since by definition it’s an incorrect lynch.

The reason for this is because you have determined that they are most likely to flip scum out of everyone, so you want them lynched.

That’s not a valid argument. NK may be the scummiest player, but an incorrect lynch that loses you the game because you had to hang the MM first before they get another convert.

If BD hangs NK, not MM, they are punished for not distinguishing between types of scum.

If BD hangs a Fool, it’s the same thing. They are punished for not identifying the type of scum.

It takes more skill to identify someone’s class than to simply identify that they are scum.

That’s why Fool promotes social deduction, scum reading, skill, etc.

The NK would still be a correct lynch, but you’re confusing that with the best lynch.

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A correct lynch is a lynch on someone who isn’t forced to win with you.

Then Fool is a correct lynch. You are defining things to support your argument lol. NK a correct lynch when it makes you lose … okay, nice debate. You win