Opinion Thread: The Fool (ToL)

Depends completely on the neutral, their abilities, their wincon and the character of the player?

Cool Cool, but how does this relate to the Fool, who needs to be lynched to win, and therefore betray pretty much everyone

I think the problem is that orangeandblack is a fool, but doesn’t want to be exed :thinking:

I choose not to balance for borderline gamethrowing

tf? what is borderline gamethrowing here?

Well, if an evil intentionally acts scummy, then without the proper tools to defeat them, they are basically untouchable.

I read this as “yeah but what if they don’t side with the team that is most likely to secure their victory because of X Y or Z” and that may not be gamethrowing but it damn sure is decreasing your own odds of victory

“decreasing your own odds of victory” is NOT gamethrowing
bad play =/= gamethrowing

gamethrowing is just the intentional attempt to make yourself lose.

Bad play = borderline gamethrowing/appearance of gamethrowing

Bad play = “not optimal play”

Almost everyone does this. Playing not optimally. Balancing for “optimal plays” is wrong, since an optimal play is mostly an illusion. It doesn’t happen in reality, or very rare at least.

Hence the word


Btw this all doesn’t matter here, since Fools haven’t the choice to side you. Unless you make them Neutral King, of course.

Also there’s a difference between sub-optimal and super-pessimal play

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And equating the two is not the answer

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So they’re definitely not on your side


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They are definitely not on the side of your enemy. Or your side. Or anyones side.
Fool is True Neutral.

NK is also true neutral, since they are not on anyone’s side

NK is a faction :eyes:

And therefore they are most certainly not advancing your win-condition, and as their win harms your faction, it’s fair to say they are indeed an opposing force

Wait what?