Opinion Thread: The Fool (ToL)

Could you please rephrase that? I do not understand what you are saying/asking

I dont think Its a long stick


you arent better than the rest of us yknow

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Not actively discouraging and punishing people from using social reads seems like pretty obviously the sort of thing that would improve reading skills, actually :upside_down_face:


Social Deduction Game :man_shrugging:

Sorry but most tol players I know are pretty good in reading fools :upside_down_face:

That literally says nothing about the point being made

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*Social Deduction Game

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Nobody is punished for using social reads

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Actually it does

No it does not

The point: Fool brings down the overall skill level of the game

The response: most ToL players I know can read Fool

The response in no way whatsoever addresses the claims of the point


What’s the difference between a scum and a fool who acts identically to how they would as scum?

That… That sounds like Anecdotal evidence!

Whats the difference between scum And town Who act identically

I mean yeah but also not even on topic

Yes because if reading fool is a skill that people learn it doesnt Bring down overall skill

And how good are most ToL players you know at distinguishing using social reads between evils and BD (ignoring Fool for a moment)?



just investigate them for evidence tho

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Thats not relevant

It is, because it is the claim made by the point

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