Oppressive Government

but I’ll be back

and complain


I’m more asking you to not act like you’re acting in the rules when you’re clearly not
Changing it doesn’t solve my root problem
It’s accountability even when several people are telling you not to do it with good reason

Sure, contact them to change it

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I admit that it wasn’t explicitly stated. Regardless it is implied that threads stay on topic to the OP.

None of you are being punished for this all I did was move the posts to a more appropriate thread

No, not really
It’s an off topic thread with no relation to any moderator curated content such as the FoL Feedback Thread or any other specific discussion that wants to stay on topic

It’s up to the OPs discretion at that point

This is like how every forum functions

Anyways here we go. This is why this rule is going to exist

It really doesn’t
OPs discretion

OPs discretion

Just ask pug
Their discord dms are probably open

When we did AMAs a few months ago there were several cases where people asked questions to people other than the OP of a given thread

Guys, off-topic simply means not related to ToL/Forum of Lies:

We must still stick to the original topic. Please branch out and you’re allowed to LINK the branch in a single post, but that’s about as far as it should go.

Don’t divert a topic by changing it midstream.

Don’t openly argue with moderation decisions – send a private message to debate.


doesn’t seem like that topic exists
Could that be made a bit more public somehow?

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It’s a link in the global rules @

This is an extension to both our official Terms of Service and our standard Community Guidelines that should be read first and foremost.

It can also be found at About >> Guidelines


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guess I was wrong in that regard

This is what it shows me when I try to click on it

Strange, I’ll change the link straight to the Guidelines section ( https://forum.imperium42.com/guidelines ) - sec

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gives me the can’t find this page when I go to community guidelines

I knew I had seen it somewhere and when you showed me the rules thread I was like ‘am I going mad?’