Option to copy death notes

If I am assassin and want to confuse BD, I should be able to find a dead player and copy the death note from their body onto my note.

Example: Assassin does it to the dead possessor, so people think he jumped again

I disagree

why do you disagree?

Then they can just confuse everything on their way…

too op.

How is it OP? How is confusing BD, YOUR JOB, op?

Norm. Back up your fucking point

I do miss psyching out people with the ToS deathnotes. It was a decent gambit sometimes.

I think it would be fun to be able to impersonate another killer in the game, so as to confuse investigators (see possessor example)

further elaboration on example: if an obs was on that person, they won’t go for the people who visited them but instead who that person visited

It’s not a full proof strategy as physician can exhume, but ti makes phys more valuable.

@NozBugz stop replying to my topics

Why should I?

see other thread for answer please