Orangevitational - Aliens Win!

Game would have auto ended wouldn’t it?

no? because with me town still out-votepowers

Officer is sympathizer and he’s going to vote out me here I can feel it

Yes but you would die overnight and it’d be 1vs1 the next day

It’s just teleporter

not if we execute the right wolf out of sec/cryo right?

I’m stressed

Nevermind you would have just voted here if you were

if it’s actually cryo/security then lol

imagine the unluck

so teleporter did you find any other roles



There would be literally no reason to kill student then

The only reason student would die is because scientist was a wolf and would have just autovoted teleporter today

That is the only reason my brain can come to to kill student


Student was even willing to execute teleporter yesterday but I pushed against it

Cause you don’t execute outside a thunderdome

how is this supposed to be enough to confirm, this is so easily manipulable

I think it’s probably just teleporter but I’m minorly terrified

it’s from my point of view, you are right about that

Either way
I know I’m town
It doesn’t matter who we vote here
Literally no matter what no kill will happen tonight and the game will go to final 3 if we don’t hit the wolf

wtf would wolves kill scientist if they had a same result on cryo and security

I guess they wanted to lock that in?