Orangevitational - Aliens Win!

:fu: :roll_eyes:


Can’t take good vig shots

Too busy riding in my solar car


They’ve said something along the same line like 4-5 times and at this point it feels like a wolf trying to make towny posts about it then a towny genuinely struggling with it

(No one else in the game as complained about it that much)

yea i think ur town science seth man tbh.

not that sure on your read but i think ur towny

If I keep teleporter out of my options the person I most want gone is probably… coroner? If not them, facilitator is prob who I’d go for next

I am starting to question if security could manage to be this convincingly a jackass as anything but town

In retrospect it does

Teleporter said first post that they saw their role as negative util so I can see why they would holster until late game

Why keep tele out?

Even if my shot was terrible that doesn’t give you an excuse to personally attack me like this

Because I personally am still of the opinion of him being town, and am looking to evaluate it

I was trying to see where approximatley I was left if I keep my original towncore and scientist.

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gonna be reading more later and really crunch through where PoE and towncore is at in light of coroner info.


Player Voted by Votes
Security Teleporter, Coroner 2/6
Teleporter Officer 2/6
Scientist Surveillance 1/6
Student Security 1/6
Not Voting Trapsetter, Student, Cryogenics, Facilitator, Scientist 5

With 10 players alive, it takes 6 to reach majority.

If people want to turn me into a punching bag for my terrible shot that’s fine but I’m still trying to just play the game like anyone else, there’s no reason to call me an asshole for taking a bad action in a game

don’t call me Seth man :sob:

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Mechanically suboptimal to kill myself or scientist today since I am the first parity

We should kill in coroner/student imo

Teleporter also maybe on the off chance wolves also killed eaves last night because they knew they wouldn’t have to worry about the swap

I’ll be around a little later tonight.

Would specifically like to hear from @Student about what has gone on so far today.

Our apologies for the unexpected power outage. Power has now been restored - of course, the battery was not affected by the time when the power was out.

The Starship Epiphron has 162.25 hours of power remaining.


I reread telly’s iso and I saw what youre looking at but came to a different conclusion.

In my experience scum tend to pay much more attention to their posts when they compose them because they’re more concerned about how they appear to others; as such, I think that it’s actually a town tell that they’re saying the same line over and over.

I was gonna do stuff later tonight but I’m mega tired and the site outage disrupted my plans.

Will be around tomorrow.