Orangevitational - Aliens Win!

@Student you realize just because your action was frozen last night doesn’t mean you have to be frozen in thread as well right

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but i still think it was odd to say that at the time. townreading people is an easy thing to do when you’re mafia, and thinking everyone is villagery is natural when you have tmi. i don’t find myself trusting people that easily when i’m towning, but i know the feeling of “how do i push all these villagery villagers” when i’m mafia.

just my two cents.

i like this part of the take, though.

mm, yeah. i recall many other players reacting to security’s claims before then, officer adding his own reaction on top was definitely unnecessary.
i wouldn’t call that wolfy, though. like you said, playstyle indicative.

okay, your shot was outright throwing. eavesdropper was hyper villagery in the second half of day 1.

and this also means wolf kp was blocked last night. they did not attack trapsetter, i hardclaim that, i’m not fpsing with my results. so, possibly it’s whoever cryogenics blocked that was either attacked or tried to attack someone.

it’s horrible even if i assume it’s a hero shot.

honestly it’s possible they stacked, actually.

i actually forgot you were the parity cop.




and if they are mafia?

i really like this take, actually.
not in a sense of agreeing with it, necessarily, in a sense of facilitator’s thought process that led them here.

agree that i don’t want to go with facilitator today.

honestly, we shouldn’t ignore the possibility student was wolf kp and blocked. as long as wolves couldn’t mess with it mechanically, then student had no say there.

also, there’s actually a mechanical argument why security is likely town. if security’s a wolf, we’d likely have two people dead rather than just one. either security’s the odd night kp and shoots two different players, or security’s partner is the odd night kp, and then security would try to shoot someone his partner wouldn’t. wolves and security crosskilling (in theory) suggests security didn’t know who the wolf odd night kp would be targeting. i doubt they would want to crosskill on purpose. sure, it could’ve happened, but since they knew half the town’s planned night actions, and also each other’s identities… i doubt they wouldn’t at least organize themselves enough to shoot two different players last night.

either that, or security’s a wolf with exactly student and student is exactly odd night kp. in that world, security is forced to kill among the top town because he wants to pretend kp wasn’t blocked, to save student. however, in that world, i think he’d just claim he holstered - to avoid responsibility. especially since i’d already hardclaimed not visiting eavesdropper, so he wouldn’t be caught in a lie by doing this. also, in that world, he’d probably just kill cryogenics instead, because cryogenics dying would “prove student isn’t wolf odd night kp.” that’d be beneficial to the wolves. this isn’t something any other wolfteam combination with student as odd night kp could’ve done; might as well make use of the opportunity, right?

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student not posting yet makes me lean into the possibility student’s exactly the odd night wolf kp and their partner isn’t a role that could save them from cryogenics.

which would also make cryogenics town.

judging by the alien wincon, it’s also possible wolves holstered their kill to frame student, but i don’t see why they would want to do that. especially with coroner alive if it’s town. unless the wolfteam’s exactly student (odd night kp) + coroner.


Player Voted by Votes
Security Teleporter, Coroner 2/6
Teleporter Officer 2/6
Student Security 1/6
Not Voting Trapsetter, Student, Cryogenics, Facilitator, Scientist, Surveillance 6

With 10 players alive, it takes 6 to reach majority.

/vote student let’s see.

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Player Voted by Votes
Security Teleporter, Coroner 2/6
Teleporter Officer 2/6
Student Security, Surveillance 2/6
Not Voting Trapsetter, Student, Cryogenics, Facilitator, Scientist 5

With 10 players alive, it takes 6 to reach majority.

i think security is very unlikely to be a wolf in a vacuum, and also very unlikely to be a wolf with student, so by process of elimination, they are probably just town.

even if i hate their shot with a burning passion. i knew i should expect a towncore member to die, but it still hurts.

would like to go back to this.
i think wolfreading officer questioning “everyone is so villagery” is just wrong, because i almost never think that myself. at least not as town. officer questioning it when it came from multiple people isn’t a bad thing, in my opinion. i actually sympathize with it.

and like i said earlier, i think going for student wouldn’t be a bad move here.

I really like this reasoning

I think security also just holsters if he’s even night kp so he can guarantee he doesn’t overlap the kill

I’d be down for a student push, at least til he shows up.

Normally I would suggest waiting til N3 and rejailing, but scum could holster to frame student and half of the protectives only have 1 shot left.

/vote student


Player Voted by Votes
Student Security, Surveillance, Facilitator 3/6
Security Teleporter, Coroner 2/6
Teleporter Officer 2/6
Not Voting Trapsetter, Student, Cryogenics, Scientist 4

With 10 players alive, it takes 6 to reach majority.

How do you feel about teleporter @Facilitator ?

why are you asking this?

I’m interested in his current take because of his earlier issues with you.

oh I mixed him up with surveillance womp womp

sigh really thought I caught you on something there, considering that 1) facilitator just posted a read on me and 2) they’ve been pretty consistent on how they’ve viewed me the entire game.

time to (unsuccessfully) go back to sleep I guess

coroner just liked my post #265.
that was forever ago.

that said, i townread the fact they are reading that far back at all, despite having no presence whatsoever on day 1. a wolf would be more likely not to backread day 1 in this situation. it’s not like anybody asked him to do this. unless you argue that he went this far back and liked my post specifically so that i would townread it, but do you really expect such high-level wifom from a player whose contributions to this game have been the most lackluster?