Orangevitational - Aliens Win!

coroner not dying could mean something from a mechanical perspective, perhaps? sure, they aren’t towncore by any means, but depriving us of flip info when the public plan didn’t involve protecting them is still something.

*not depriving.

I just realized that I am essentially a cop if an alien ever dies

I am arguably the most powerful role that doesn’t gather information

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there’s a lot of stuff i want to talk about but i also don’t feel like i can. if coroner’s a wolf i don’t want to give them ideas about what to say. if someone lies about their visit i don’t want to give them an opportunity to lie in such a way i can’t mechanically verify. etc, etc.

i’d rather be vt. this sucks.

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You were the wildcard, since your target wasn’t known

So they might not have risked it

You can write it in a wallpost then save it for after they post

Jailkeeper OP

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a lot of it depends on what people say.

Killing them removes a complete straight PoE slot. Wolves killing them is pretty great for us

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Technically it could be removing a gay PoE slot too i dont actually know who coroner is

I didn’t know the coroner was gay

wait, are you implying our poe is good?
i mean. that sounds really stupid when i say it like this, but i feel like you’re making a strange assumption here.

Let’s just say it’s a lot harder to survive years on the starship epipheron for years with 11 guys and whatever you are when you’re heterosexual


It’s actually upsetting because TIME is a valuable resource in this game, and coroner/security not being here for the next X hours potentially is costing us a game resource.

I know I’m complaining about shit that I can’t really control, but the entire thread is basically in a holding pattern until those two (more specifically coroner) post >.>

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Or you could turn to drugs.

Hypothetically speaking, of course. I don’t know anyone who’s into that kind of thing.


Don’t worry

We can joke around until they come online

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i’m gay : D

No matter how good our PoE is coroner is still in it.

It clears up a town slot that would almost certainly not be cleared otherwise, or at the very least hadn’t been cleared up until that point.

I know you have your read on them but even if that’s right it only goes so far

I wonder why you only have two vials left when I’m sure the ship had full stock when we took off

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See normally I’d start a wagon on coroner so their scumbuddies would frantically ping them in scumchat.

But there’s no scumchat this game :man_shrugging: