Orangevitational - Aliens Win!

Sec pls eaves was towny

Are you srs my man

Extremely disagree from the bit I was able to interact with them

Still gave you plenty of time to read the thread and realize eaves was fine actually

You’ve got to be kidding me

you have GOT to be kidding me

Dead serious yes

Ban hero shooters

If he was a wolf I’m expecting a formal apology letter during the postgame from half of you

The only way 1 could have not happened is:

Security is wolf and lying
Cryo blocked the kill (student wolf or student targetted)
Security and wolves killed the same person
Comms was wolf (and so is coroner)
wolves intentionally no-actioned.

Who did facilitator target? That could have also blocked the kill

Me, surveillance confirmed facilitator was the only one to target me.

…I didn’t even consider this possibility until now because I was so convinced eaves was a wolf

I’m like this close to taking a break from this thread between friggin Security either gamethrowing if they’re town or scumclaiming if they’re mafia, and Coroner just being of very little use at all.

I can tell that this game is gonna be on hard mode already >.>

Stop assuming eaves was town dude

Scums kill was stopped which means we’re still not in that bad of a position even if eaves was town

Like if it makes you less tilted just pretend I holstered and scum killed eaves

We’re basically in the same position but better since we know now that student is either the wolves kill target or a wolf who performed the kill

Also we absolutely need to parity check officer imo if we’re going to keep him alive

Double voter is too risky to not have mechanical information on

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Claimed N1 actions

Doc/empower targeted trapper
Trapper targeted watcher
Watcher targeted trapper, saw doc/empower visit
Jailkeeper targeted student
Teleporter did not target anyone
Parity cop targeted vig
Vig shot eaves

Coroner got both eaves and comms as town/lw

Student no actions
Officer no actions

Everyone else dead

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It’s really suboptimal to kill me today without letting me get off my second check btw

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I’m reiterating this

Odd comment tbh

[quote=“Officer, post:163, topic:88422, full:true”]

Notable flip on student but without context the only thing I see is public opinion shifted, so he did like a chameleon. I also don’t see what having a disagreement about the power of one’s role makes them town.

heckin true👍

dont like the splitting hairs

lamist that I can admit I’m not confident this run.

2 townies

Can you elaborate on this?

unrelated to the iso, but cute of cryo to meekly bring up voting me today talking like they didn’t wanna say anything about it, but was advocating for it yesterday. If its what the heart wants it’s what it wants. No need to dress it up all apprehensibly like you think it’s a miss.

Not a huge fan of officer I guess.