[Other] Request for tips and to Observe Design and Hosting process for anyone who might be comfortable with that going forward

The issue is i am somehow making some of the same terrible mistakes over and over again
And to me stopping hosting until if and when I build up the confidence to not be incompetent is better than risking getting blacklisted.

granted all I really did in scumchat was fuck around with katze but :man_shrugging:

I can find it if you need
It was pointed out to me post-game.

uh can you do that?

i mean

we also double checked night actions through eachother and you caught me on at least 1-2 mistakes

i think there was a night that you didnt double check my actions cause you werent around but i wouldn’t consider that game a case of me “solo hosting” or anything

you also answered most of the mechanical questions and other than the case with strigois selfheal i don’t think anything was bad (and the strigoi selfheal case was a disagreement, who the heck knows who was right there, it didn’t matter anyway because both of our rulings had the same outcome in the end)

i think he’s making it sound worse than it was but he did make some comments about a player that were probably unnecessary

but that’s a mistake easy to learn from

from what I can immediately tell, most of these problems were caused by

a. deep diving into a setup without figuring out how to handle the interactions before you started having to handle them. Ask these confusing questions early on in order to make your life easier.
b. when hosting, follow second golden rule. Motivation is most important thing to keep up

It was against seth
it would be painful to go look for, honestly
you still in there?

eh idrc

I think host in scumchat’s best rule is just “don’t say anything” or “don’t discuss anything about the game besides for like official host things”

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complicated ass setups
they are complicated

unless you’re shitposting in scumchat

which is still a bad idea but doing it anyway is fun

I doubt there is anything anyone could say here that on its own would make me have the confidence to design or host again anytime soon

So if you would be comfortable with me observing the design and/or hosting process of your game at any time as well as giving tips here and there on how to do things right, please hit me up.

Yeah. Save being critical for postgame.

i obviously learned that the hard way in RMIV

am i currently confident in my ability to abide by that at this time or abide by avoiding making any of the mistakes i’ve made before or new terrible ones in any capacity? absolutely not

the most you want to talk about to players in scumchat ends up being memes

I hosted 2 FOLs without a Co-host and I made a couple of errors in those games. Nothing serious, but I think I forgot to send out a night result to someone and essentially had to mod confirm them but still, it was still fine.

Like others bave said, figure out what you can before the game - but be prepared to decide mid-game as players are arseholes and behave in ways you won’t be able to predict. Having a cohost oversee your ‘Processed’ Night actions helps too

Vanilla nightless is a good example. I kept all of the anime horse slap gifs and nekos and feet pics in 1 channel and scum had free reigh on #general

I guess my biggest fear currently is that even if i could somehow ensure with confidence that I will never repeat any mistakes i’ve made before, I have no clue how i might ever be able to be confident in the idea that I won’t make any new mistakes that could possibly be just as or even more egregious than some of the worst i’ve made before.

I know that getting blacklisted would be unimaginably painful for me, and I had a decent amount of fun on this forum my first 7 or so months here before i focused on hosting really. Also CFM taught me that I might have the WiM to play consistently again. So maybe it would be just better to stop hosting for good. I’m unsure if anyone would particularly miss my style of hosting.

I don’t think this is bad unless the game is competitive