[Other] Request for tips and to Observe Design and Hosting process for anyone who might be comfortable with that going forward

saying game relevant things in scumchat is a no

discussing the game is a no

shitposting is a yes as long as players are ok with it

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i can’t believe you took an obvious joke and then added a fucking bot for it

kat I did w/slap in there again and it was the horse slap

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you’re thinking about this too hard

like currently this feels like a terrifying risk

maybe i am
but it’s worth it to me to minimize risk

Pretty sure they only hand out blacklists for intentional violations.

have you tried just hosting vanilla setups

thats what I do primarily

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This is a great place to start
Like, Cop9 would be incredibly lightweight to begin with

your biggest fear is even if you are confident, that you aren’t confident enough to actually do the thing
you’re thinking too hard about it
if you solve the problem the problem is solved

p sure this is false

If there’s majorly consistent enough bunglements, even if never intentional, you shouldn’t be able to host

just host a mountainous game or sum shit and boost your hosting confidence

Vanilla nightless was fun to host, it was pretty laid back and all I did was do vc botting / flips and was a spec for most of the game

and arete doing flavor was fun

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I’ll do airlock now if i can get at least 2 co-hosts.

or just be a secondary host to somesetup that someone’s running like i did with amelia in castle of the blood god

she did like… most of the work but I still answered questions / did VC’s/flips and felt pretty good about how I hosted (and how we handled the /mindstorm gaja ritualist)

my only regret is putting gaja in without a confirm because intensify said that gaja was in (and obviously the whole SoD thing I should have done differently)

i dont think you’ve had too many game changing moderrors

these are probably your biggest two cases in terms of actual impact on the game

and both were in result of you unexpectedly hosting alone, iirc

i dont entirely think the errors in FoL24 changed the outcome (most likely scenario is that unseen majority just vote out jake, but i suppose this isnt a guarantee; while the butler poison was… meh. i dont think that changed much either)

obviously the errors in sfol57 led to the game being forcibly canned but again, weren’t you doing that alone?

plus both of these games were not at all recent

i think you just need a cohost, which isn’t like, shameful? i don’t ever intend on hosting a non-vanilla/simple setup purely alone

all of my recent games with terrible errors, i’ve had co-hosts
again, it’s a good deal worse than this

what terrible errors

i dont know what actually happened in BoTF4 so i cant comment on that

RM4 is a case of you talking in scumchat too much which is easily fixable and probably already fixed

SFoL58, like i said, i don’t think you were as bad as you’re panning yourself out to be, and this isnt an error as much as it is plausible laziness

insurgency i cant speak for but it sounds like plausible laziness? i guess datbird would have to confirm/deny how much/little you actually did in the design process

I was in the game and I’ve forgotten

BoTF4 happened

it was like if BoTF discovered drugs and memes simultaneously

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