[Other] Request for tips and to Observe Design and Hosting process for anyone who might be comfortable with that going forward

And if you want to regain hosting confidence

host something vanilla

we need more of those

do a mountainous game or marson or some simple vanilla setup with 1-2 prs

those are really easy and can help you get some good experience in as host

p sure i’ve usually bungled this by either talking too much or falling for that pitfall you pointed right. Ur right i have to try to be better here. Maybe i should instigate a rule where there will always be at least 5 mins before host starts typing an answer to a player question to prevent subconscious angleshooting.

No comment, dont really remember that much of problems in this regard from me

The only moderror-free games i’ve co-hosted, other hosts did almost all of this, which is p shameful. Now that I have kat’s template and will use it whenever possible and am comfortable with it, this might get easier? idk

I’ve been really, really bad on this. Maybe it would be easier if i mandated all votes pinged me idk. Really sorry dat, astand, geyde, and ans.

while i can’t speak from the perspective of someone who has the power to blacklist you or even knows how the process goes

i really don’t think anything you’ve done is blacklist worthy given your worst error (sfol57, imo) is the byproduct of something you are actively working on fixing

in a game with two hosts, one host will p much always do more, as long as you’re doing your part and your cohost doesnt have to pry at you constantly to help then i don’t see anything wrong with it

i’d say at worst it was a misinterpretation, not an error

you can’t really be faulted for not correctly interpreting a message that wasn’t super clear when you have to come to a conclusion

i will, however, hold it against you forever :wink: this is a joke

i think this sums it up well

you did this with me in sfol58 and while i know you’ll say i did most of the work, having that second opinion is still incredibly valuable to me

and you did catch me at least once before i made a mistake

problem with this is if only one of you is online at a given time

double checking with your cohosts isn’t inherently a bad thing but sometimes you run into the problem of answering a question that, if answered slowly, may be angleshootable

kind of like this

if someone asks if X is possible because Arete claimed they did it, and they ask you and you take 20 minutes to respond, it’s a bit :eyes:

maybe this isn’t a thing that actually happens but it’s been something i’ve kept in mind when i’ve hosted games and had to answer questions i wasn’t 100% sure of (this happened multiple times in FoL26, people asked questions and frostwolf was offline, so i just… winged it)

tbh i think this should be more standardized for bigger games

otherwise votes just get lost

this is definitely an issue I’ve had :eyes::eyes::eyes:

see my usual strategy in castle of the blood god was just to wait for amelia and log off for an hour or 2 to avoid answering questions I didn’t know so that people couldn’t angleshoot the fact that i’m online

better to make people think i’m just lazy than angleshoot :sunglasses:

i mean

when im actively doing VCs or posting in cookie thread i can’t really just disappear

and then when i get 10000 mechanical questions all asking me things im not 100% sure about its like



I remember in aroot + orange episode of thingyman podcast the host (forgot name) talked about “unspoiled host”

What is that and how does that happen
Is it any good

that is the exact reason I never intend to host a FoL

Castle of the blood god wasn’t that bad, honestly in most setups, even if I don’t know how every interaction works, I can still answer 95% of the questions on-time.

only in automated games done with modbot

we do not have modbot so that was not an option

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i think i’ve learned enough from hosting fol26/sfol60 that i could host a fol just fine

hence why i have an anon-fol in queue

but i’d still never consider doing it without a cohost even if i think i can because like

having a second opinion is something i value very highly and doing things alone is scary

eevee did a modbot for Cop13 which was fun and worked semi-well

the mafia could factional kill themselves which was gamer but :man_shrugging:

That is a thing that can (apparently, and bafflingly) happen on MU with the automated Modbot system

it is not possible here since, well, you kind of need the host to do things like ‘process actions’ and ‘do flips’

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When I had that problem and wanted to doublecheck with my cohost, I just took a break
I delayed questions where I knew the answer for some hours as well
So it wasnt angleshootable
Since I never answered quickly :wink:

Same like I delayed bleeds for a bit, when they happened during I was offline
So they werent angleshootable by time