[Other] Request for tips and to Observe Design and Hosting process for anyone who might be comfortable with that going forward

BotF4 was the one where I was the uh
Person that knew mech info depending on neighbors

Yeah, I was channel mastered the entire game :upside_down_face:

I had to re-define how the Vulgard role worked extremely fast due to a moderror of mine, or a town player would have been mod-confirmed to be scum due to that moderror. They were shot anyway after that tho.

I assure you zero of the content of the game came from me. Maybe it’s that I fear getting my hands dirty in the meat of designing, idk.

Oh yeah
I never knew why they were called people’s usernames
Why was that

all of the roles in that game are unreleased roles from clocktower that will not come out officially for a pretty long time

we only know of their existence because they were leaked

I had to censor them therefore

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it’s more the design aspect of leaving almost everything for vulgard to do for the virtuous setup than anything else, i think

you’re right that my hosting performance in SFoL 58 probably wasn’t that bad.

tbh it sounds like you just struggle at creating setups

which is fair cause it’s scary and the one time I tried it was broken to hell :sunglasses:

my class was roughly FoL power levels


stop being bad at designing setups, kat


best balance decision I made in randomizer was removing the cult


don’t tell Ans


good balance decisions always transfer well between systems
so remove cult in fol good move



looking at this list, im not really seeing anything really bad specifically that I did more than once in the same way? Other than it being apparent that i’ve had a really bad problem with moderrors across the entirety of my hosting career, which were only not a thing at all in SFoL 58, RMIV, and possibly EFoL 3 (i dont remember), where my co-host did most of the work action processing-wise. Also that i’ve been horrifically bad at doing my fair share in the design process for applicable setups (that is probably the worst problem I have currently as Im most stumped on how to get better on that front than anything else).

obviously im not capable of predicting everything bad that i could possibly do, and i’ve been trying hard to learn from my mistakes, and i think i’ve been doing a decent job at that

but if i continue to show this sort of level of supreme incompetence, intentional or not, repeated mistake types or not, i will be blacklisted

maybe if some ppl could help me brainstorm other things i may have not precisely done yet but could possibly be prone to in the future based on the ways i’ve hosted and things i’ve done in the past, to try to avoid doing ahead of time instead of after the fact, that would improve my WiM for hosting.

Like ideally i want to make a list of 20+ things to not do as a host compiled of mistakes i’ve made, mistakes others have made, and mistakes i could possibly be prone to make in the future based on my style of hosting. Of course nothing can be fully comprehensive, but it would def be better than the nothing that i have now. Also if there are things other hosts do on a regular basis within and/or outside of games that help them avoid all these pitfalls i’ve been falling into consistently, that would be p valuable for me to discuss with i feel.

if you like what i’ve done here on that side of the door and/or want to help me in this regard, pls like this message; i’ll add you to a group dm for this.

I think your biggest problem is that you don’t help as much as you should as cohost/co-designer

just try to set out to do a few specific things to make your cohost’s jobs easier

in Castle of the Blood God Amelia was the main (and better) host, and had the final answer to all mechanics questions, but I set out to just do what I could.

It ended up being

  • Answer player questions when I could
  • Process any instant day actions
  • Keep spreadsheet up to date
  • Do VCs and shit

And SFoL 61.5 went moderror-less. (besides arguably the kat thing but I wouldn’t really call that a moderror)

Just try to find things you can do to actively contribute to the process and lighten the load on a Cohost. Double-check the end result of night actions with cohosts. Don’t interfere with the actual game at all (only post host-related stuff in game-thread, only post not host stuff in off-topic channels in scumcords, etc)

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I think you are aware of this problem

So just do what you can, when you can, and if there’s something you can’t/don’t need to do, then defer to cohost.

Do you think it would be okay for safety’s sake if i asked that my co-host answered all questions in classcards and scumcords, and i just sent night feedback, VC’s, and flips when applicable

Based on the possible risk given my past

I think that’s impractical

and most questions are something that players would probably want answered sooner rather than later.

If you know the answer to the question, just answer the question and say/provide nothing else.

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and btw, to like everyone, if you do not know the answer to a question, think before you say that.

for example, if someone is fake-claiming x ability that had an interaction with someone with y ability, and they ask “how does x ability interact with y ability”, if you say you don’t know/am trying to find out, it outs the person as fake, because if they were real you obviously would know how the interaction worked.


This im much more stumped on how to fix.
Quite literally dat made everything for insurgency except for me retrieving a few image links and skill names from time to time. Vul made almost everything for virtuous. And as you’ve been seeing although i’ve been doing flavour and formatting, TBE has made all classcards for DC thus far

Maybe it’s more so that im afraid to try to balance from scratch for some reason than not being capable of it? Because now it seems to me that i probably have never really legitimately tried.

As someone who’s recently designed a setup (not going to reveal anything about it, just in general), it was mostly me and derps passing ideas back and forth before refining it and sending it to review.

Don’t be afraid to put your ideas out there, discuss the good/bad ones and weed them out, and then as far as the manual stuff like classcards, there’s not really a tip for that, just do them I guess.

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