Overwatch Forum Mafia - Talon wins! - (4/28) - Day 5


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I can agree with Psycho potentially spewing Livi, it feels distancy to me.


Tbh I am thinking Bazinga Hjasik Livicus psycho all scum right now maaaaaaaaaybe kitten but doubtful

On a different note Im reading margaret as town. When she is scum she usually takes the game more seriously.

and why do you think that

Should I vig psycho


I am phone posting on my bed will explain later. It has to do with some class stuff at the start /mid point of where we are so far

Way too strong IMO, wait till later

Ok, viginbmg psycho rn

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Wait I just realized what I want to do, hold on.

/charge Math

Thank you :slight_smile:

thats not the right way to write marl

Hjasik marl can’t ever get fully charged today however with the map tomorrow he can. It’s a waste to do it today

Okay lets change the subject, have you guys heard of the trolley problem? It goes like this:

You see a runaway trolley moving toward a track with no one there. You are standing next to a lever that controls a switch. If you pull the lever, the trolley will be redirected onto a side track that has two people, one of them is town and the other has a mask so could be either town or mafia. You have two options:

  1. Do nothing and allow the trolley to not kill anyone.
  2. Pull the lever, diverting the trolley onto the side track where it will potentially kill two town but may also kill a mafia.

Which is the most ethical option?

It’s a waste to go it period tbh I just don’t believe him

If he wants my charge vote then he needs to town it up

Oh, you can davig a person you voted at? HUH?

If you were talking about Max, that was simply me not keeping up with the thread constantly

I just want to make sure we invest into something worth it instead of less impactful ults

Which map?

The heck is this