Overwatch Forum Mafia - Talon wins! - (4/28) - Day 5

Also due to his confusing town/scum slip

Anyone else though?

No not at the moment

Okay, Im going to hard claim screw it. Even if I decide not to blow up I dont need protectives on me since I have stuff that may help me against claim vigs. Im basically a Royal Guard from GD that can use his yolo kill d1.

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At least until someone becomes excessively slanky

then we could threaten them with it to make them talk more

@Soulshade55r has replaced in for @Htm




what is it

That class was a curse

what is royalg guard

Besides, my ultimate is really situational so I can live without it, and I think the reward of killing a scum d1 in a convert-less game is better than protecting people each night.

A person who kills themself and another person

Oh I see

that’s a really suicidey class

What’s ur flavor? Junk rat?

well then the lever thing makes sense LMAO


the yolo kill ability is his charge

How is Reinhardt a suicide bomber

and my barrier can potentially protect me or someone else from claim vigs. (I say potentially because we dont know how they work)

so you’re not a suicide bomber