Overwatch Forum Mafia - Talon wins! - (4/28) - Day 5

What is your thing with trying to gain hammers?

That’s sometning I also noticed, we aren’t letting them hammer

@Alice Does “hammer” exist with this map?
If yes is it last person who votes?

I can’t unvote
Not literally tho

Btw who are we charging tomorrow

So do I :confused:

Probably eevee. We all need to decide on a target due to the map we get tomorrow.

Why Eevee?

Cause they are Town.


Sometning about map? I think?

Because of how they reacted to a mod typo. Go look at when Alice makes a slank vig correction

Because they asked here instead of in the PM?

Because they asked here is partially it.

If they were scum they would have found it sooner.

Also from my conclusions so far I think math is Town, IMO if he was scum he wouldn’t have said this.

He would have kept pushing on Baz, regardless of what I said and try to put me as a scum team with Baz. Even though he pushed on Baz after, he was rethinking it.

I asked some posts ago about voting methods. I’m rethinking if I really should read you badly as I did because it may be just because you were talking with hjsomething but is not going to stop me from thinking that while it is a valid reason, it is fairly too extreme to just jump on them with a golden shield. Going to read what FK posted now, I’m on mobile.

So you’re scum then?

Bazinga+Mercenary+Maybe Celeste?

Celeste won’t flip scum.

Thank you feels good

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I started to type something else and got )let on my own comment while I realized that probably there would 6 more scum to debate the maps on the MP