Overwatch Forum Mafia - Talon wins! - (4/28) - Day 5


F(f) = f

I called for a check on Hja before yesterday ended. I’m supposing that didn’t happen / got incorrect result.

I sorted my ult a lot and said that it’s great for ults that cost over 2500

Is there an overwatch class which steals ultimate charges?

Extremely unlikely. If it did it would only be on hammer talon.

Oh wait. I get you now. Maybe Sombra?

No I mean like in the game is there a hero who steals charges

Doubt it

Talon stole 600 ultcharge from me last night

Also @bazingaboy why not charge me? My ult is literally better than everyone else’s

@Kirefitten get on and confirm the use already

In the actual game, there’s nobody that can steal ultimate charges as they can only increase not decrease before using it

Who’s Sombra

If you’re sombra claim now

Mexican purple hacker lady

Moira could as well possibly
She’s the Irish tickle finger lady with the sphere that sucks out your soul

I’ve played OW before I just don’t have anything from it memorised

Well, then it’s probably Moira then

I have infomation from a source that Blue is NS

Could be either

Are you sombra?


And how do you and “your source” communicate? There aren’t any whispers in this game, right?

This is a secret, my darling.

But there are no whispers, right?
