Overwatch Forum Mafia - Talon wins! - (4/28) - Day 5

He didn’t hardclaim ult

Are we charging marl or maxi goddammit


Damn you autocorrect

I’m gonna ask Alice something real quick

/charge Maximus

so who are we charging? (I feel really stupid rn)


@Kirefitten what does your ult do?

It’s absolutely necessary for me to know

Hold on a sec

I won’t hold this ‘on a sec’

What even is a ‘on a sec’


I’m dodging a ult vig don’t worry, it’s a perfect idea

There are no more

Reaper died

Mkay fine. I was going to be sneaky about it but I guess not

I get a day vig and another use of all my abilties, and my night abilties are empowered.

Use your ult right now

I don’t have enough charge,

Just try

I can use ult while its not charged up yes?

2.7k… charge… a day vig and empowering of all night abils… I’m envious.

Is it me or is that too unbelievable for me to believe?

Metor Strike

What’s the worst that could go wrong

m e t o r

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