Overwatch Forum Mafia - Talon wins! - (4/28) - Day 5

No one occupy me tonight. No one.

And I mean no one. If they do, their lives become endangered.

Neirik was a fucking hero
He singlehandedly charged the reaper off the ledge
We can’t let that hammer down be the end of him

no idea

Since claim vig is gone can I fully claim

We still have regular vig

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I think theres a second claim vig tbh

do you disable another player’s abilities or something?

Livi was passive + ult

There will be one for abilities

do you hack a heal pack healing someone

do you go invisible and replace out of the game

these are my main guesses @MaXiMuSprime

My ability doesnt work that way

wait i thought maxi was sombra

Nobody claimed sombra.

We just theorized that sombra (or moira) are the only classes that can drain ult

See start of d2 for that

Brigitte here also


I used it on Firekitten

Claimed sniper healing lady (forgot name)


Thats the one