Overwatch Forum Mafia - Talon wins! - (4/28) - Day 5

Doesn’t prove you as not a neutral killer
my ultimate would

No neuts

There is no neutrals here to begin with

I cant believe eevee in this situation for now.

either way eevee’s ultimate sounds far too good to be true

… Wich one?

He said his 9k one was fake

@eevee dont get noz to shoot your redcheck let us lynch him and I’ll hammer so i get another revive

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The one that can instantaneously kill half the scumteam

But I wonder who that scum is tho

Assuming Eevee is truth-telling about them receiving a red check, would they even know who it was directed towards, or would they have just gotten a “Your target is Talon” message with no name?


Stop overcomplicating stuff.

I’m a fucking roleblocker/hider combination wich I softed when saying that neither night or daykill would reach me (day cause I fakeclaimed role cause of claimvig).

My ult is a freaking unlimited dayvig, as long as I keep shooting mafia and working ONLY on mafia, aka first town hit is confirmed town.

And yes, this is able to remove half of mafia instantly. Even whole scumteam if I managed to.

And one of best ways to remove all suspicious players at once.

  • last night someone sent me a red check wich can be easily killed via it as well…

Map passive is a problem.

It triggers passive of eliminated people.
No idea what it means, but I don’t like it.

No its talking about the elimination passive (hammer opposing team) going to two people and not one

@bazingaboy is your hammer passive good?

Basically, hammerer AND L-1er both would have their passives activated.

I still have no hammerer passive, so… /shrug

No wonder I didn’t understand this.

You don’t have any hammer Talon benefits at all?

Wait, I do have one, lol.

I’m missing a lot on my rolecard aaaaaa

Same as I thought my ult costed 7300 and it costs 3700.



If I hammer talon I get ability wich I can use on talons.
