Overwatch Forum Mafia - Talon wins! - (4/28) - Day 5

Y’all mind if I… revive Celeste?

I’m hammering with precedence over everyone

I’m not going for it anyway.

Enchanced roleblock is whatever tbh.

Screw you

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Anyone occupy me tonight and they either are scum or throwing

Also why are you charging me?

I dont have a reason to. I suspect something may be up with my charges today.

Also he’s Town.

green check?

@Kirefitten claim your flavor, last night action, shoe size, last visit to a dentist, credit card number with security code.


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nah he’s just Town.

Also merc said they got a green check on blue.

Attempting to get FK to disclose confidential personal information that should only be in the hands of FK and people with appropriate access to dental records?

Clearly scum :thinking:

:rotating_light:Attention :rotating_light: ALL FORTNITE GAMERS :video_game::video_game::video_game:, John Wick is in great danger :sos: , and he needs YOUR help to wipe out :skull: all the squads in THe tilted towers :office::office::office:. To do this, he needs a gold SCAR :gun: and a couple of chug-jugs :beer: :beer:. To help him, all he needs is your credit card number :credit_card: , and the three numbers on the back :three: and the expiration month and date :date:. But you gotta be quick :zap:so that John can secure the bag :moneybag:, and achieve the epic victory R O Y A L


Marl has -1 point for trying to be funny.

He was funny tho :’)

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Also why the heck did Alice put a IC who can reveal others here

There’s a price and it’s a pain in the butt to set up

I don’t believe it either. Something is missing.

Public reveal of 6 people is op.

Is the price me losing my abilties?

If there weren’t a big downside that’d be correct

No, I do lose mine though