Overwatch Forum Mafia - Talon wins! - (4/28) - Day 5

I am also lost wolf bomber wtf


Were you townreading me senpai

In reality all Talon are lost wolves bombers


Senpai noticed you.

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i have no idea
can you let me use my ultimate TODAY or is it delayed

Senpai can’t kill me though smh wrong day phase.

I think it’s insta charge soooo… You can insta use it?

I still don’t understand why we charge Max if we have double charges today.

We can just charge Marl directly and it works too.

Don’t worry eevee I’m sure you’ll find the moment where you can bomb both of them Day Phase 2 I believe in you.

I will try. Somehow.

Pleasu no senpai me good kouhai

Tbh first step is finding a wolf wich can convert me into a wolf with theirs ultimate or sth.

Then I just need to learn bombing ability.

And then somehow leave wolf pack to become lost wolf.

Sounds easy.


Rescinding your Lost Wolf Suicide Bomb claim?

Just leave the main chat And you will be lost again

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What is the difference between their ultimates?

As far as I understand Max can charge other people’s ultinates.

So it’s good support ult.

But… we can charge people directly and if Maxs manages to get his ult, he can just charge someone else.

@MaximusPrime What do your ultimate really does? Extra charges? Insta activate?

No, Im keeping it obviously. :^)

And if you think it wasn’t a joke - abilities are activated by quotes from overwatch - boom bye town is not from overwatch :stuck_out_tongue:

I have mechanical info that hjasik isnt town

@NinjaPenguin was you the drunk cop who sent me a result?