Overwatch Forum Mafia - Talon wins! - (4/28) - Day 5

Squid is a talon member. Discuss.

For me it makes sense after rereading them, but I would want to know who tf sent me this check.

Shurian marl bypasses my Miller status

To prevent you from becoming said policy lol lynch

I am not policy lynch

Accept your fate resident gamethrower V2.0

So you shouldn’t have a problem with getting revealed

Because you’re likely scum and if town likely will die by lynch/Town KP so we either confirm a good lynch or we save town from incorrectly shooting.

That would be so unbelievably bastard

Why am I most likely scum Wtf?


So you have no problem getting revealed

The day when we ask why you aren’t scummy is the day hjasik is not Celeste V3.0 or Memesky V2.0

Hjasik still needs to die anyway.

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No I need explanation to Why I would be policy lynch or most likely scum

I just want you to look at your ISO. That explains everything

Wtf Why

Guilty unless proven innocent in your case.

I dont iso I rely on My intuition

Who even is squid I remember none of their posts?

Because when we read your posts you come up with unbelievable half truths in a joky manner of all sorts of things

Besides it only reveals alignment (though… it does make it so that talon can find lost ones faster)

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