Overwatch Forum Mafia - Talon wins! - (4/28) - Day 5

When does the day end I want to see if We fucked up by giving Marl charges

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2 hours ago

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wait what

(hours before:)

Yes, I confirm Kitten.

Thinking better we have decided to out ourselves as lovers. We know eachother is Overwatch among other perks.

I only accept one shipping and it is Orisa x Bastion

Prove me wrong.

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I would’ve said Pharah/Mercy but that’s not possible considering Luxy.

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Alternatively Winston/Wrecking Ball since they both came from the Lunar Colony

the cat has escaped the bag run for your life

Aka have marl use the check on me to confirm myself and merc.

Then check 5 other people

Also lul giving a Miller a lover




sigh ill just do my homework

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I’m even more

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Orisa + Basion?
Lucio + D.VA?

Not mercy for sure soooo…


I’m doomfist though. They don’t have to claim tbh

Doomfist can be shipped with everything tbh

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Changed to null in response. I still got these :eyes: on you.

I would say Torbjorn and Bastion is good shipping, since Torbjorn is good in hammering turrets.

Someone stop me, please.

Cease your heresy.

don’t get me wrong
every single role seems to be busted in this game but in fairness from all of the wolf flips they probably have enough power to counter all of our ridiculous abilities

but you can’t blame me for screaming at Miller/Seer/Lover

@Icibalus If I hide beind you and you will try to send invest results to me, would you receive it instead?

It depends on whether you’re a redirector!hider or a simple death!hider