Overwatch Forum Mafia - Talon wins! - (4/28) - Day 5

The everyone part is a joke. The rest aren’t.


I know.

tf would you protect him over eevee first off second off can’t you see this is obviously a joke at how bad his test was

How do I make my text red? Asking for a friend

Also killing all his voters is 100% stupid and Sarun would get yelled at

It doesn’t stop attack and once i die FK will be lynched anyway so nah

It’ll only prevent real OW protectives from me

The only joke here is how you failed to see such a simple ploy.

suppose so

Nah I’m proven OW from marl, you won’t be. :man_shrugging:

Firekitten is flailing.


Then vote marl and let the results speak for himself :wink:

¡Apagando las luces!

I totally never voted Marl
Look who voted first? Me!

If :clap: you :clap: were :clap: Overwatch :clap: then :clap: you :clap: would :clap: be :clap: able :clap: to :clap: use :clap: your :clap: Ultimate :clap:



Thanks Sombra

Marl is gonna kill everyone who votes him

So, when I’m revealed as OW you sealed your fate you know this right…