Overwatch Forum Mafia - Talon wins! - (4/28) - Day 5


Max I would back off now, before I get mod peeked :wink:

brb going to go eat

stay safe, and remember that fk would be able to ult if he was overwatch, which he is not

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No thanks, Talon

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Im sorry
But im more inclined to believe Maxi here

except when I’m mod peeked as Town

Squid and Eevee are my someone elses

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When mod peek goes wrong

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then we lynch max and hang Alice for good measure

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Stop flailing. Rude

if the mod peek lies i’m literally never touching another one of alice’s games again


Heroes never die!

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don’t think you know what flailing is

Does it bypass miller?

they already said it did

wait whend you get your ulti?

Also say ‘Til Valhala!’ instead pls


I don’t