Overwatch Forum Mafia - Talon wins! - (4/28) - Day 5

How can 2 ppl Hammer?

Map passive.

Anyway I didn’t believe Alice would put this ultimate in-game, the map just had me pressured

Ok So I do 1 Hammer And you can choose Who does 2

How about you don’t do a hammer so actualy confirmed people can do it?

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Expect that I am confirmed a valuable OW PR

You are nowhere near con… wait a second, who did you say you jailkept last night?


K, if that is somehow confirmed, I will believe you.

How can that be confirmed?

No idea, but jailkeeping Marl from mafia PoV is pointless since he could immune self anyway.

No I mean How can someone confirm that I jailed him

No idea, but if you already jailed Marl, then gj. You are actualy doing good.

Keep jailing scummy people I think, since you can’t really jail me and jailing Ici is a bad idea (we need those peeks).

Blue or Merc maybe is a good protection target if you want to protect instead.

I talked my way out to recharge my phone’s internet
Bluff 100

Basically I tried to fake faux lovers to make them possibly target me this night and thus not wasting a kill on another Villa, but I perceived it would be useless since they aren’t going to Target me if they suspected I would die tonight anyway.

Why is still noone voting Squid?

@Icibalus halp.

Everyone wants to hammer

/vote Squid

Only an unambitious man can start this

Tbh… /vote Squid

My estimative is 6 wolves and 2 lost wolves, suming up to eight wolves at total which gives us a 2.75 Villa per wolf.

Now, for the Darket Dungeon time: You will endure this loss, and learn from it.

We lost the mainstream ones, but we are still on 2 Villa per wolf (as Math was obviously town) on the graveyard and the janitor is gone, along with the most dangerous dayvig. Don’t throw this numerical advantage away. We know they have a strongman. Our little wolf Squid is going with us. And we have leads on Insanity. If Insanity flips scum then we also know they have a healer. Three of them are gone already, with Squid it is four. Hurting half of the Mafia on two days is good enough. And unfortunately we don’t have other choice, so it has to be.

I’m now asking Alice some things.