Overwatch Forum Mafia - Talon wins! - (4/28) - Day 5

I’m gonna do me. You do you boo.

Will do boo

Can someone tell me what “slanking” is?

Basically being inactive


or more accurately; lack of posts

not being active

It means not posting or liek posting a few times with no content.

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so basicly me

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no more like htm


Like with slank vigs, if you don’t make enough posts, then you have a chance of being shot

Gonna take a nap guys. Don’t drop all your pants while I’m sleeping.

Btw I think Hjasik is scum.

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“Wait what happened last night/today/any time period from the 2000s onwards?”

thats why you shouldnt think after taking painkillers

Let’s not make fun of him

But yes, that is pretty accurate


Slanking is bad for you

and then he gets mislynched as usually

Gonna enjoy myself some youtubz, I’ll catch up myself later

Also nice of GamerPoke of all people to show up when people start mentioning slanking :thinking:


He’s been posting prior to the mentioning of slank

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My pants are ready to be unleashed!