Overwatch Forum Mafia - Talon wins! - (4/28) - Day 5

I dont see How ult drainer is Very useful to town or Why would claim vig target you because of it

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I can drain ultimates from possible Talon members so that they don’t use them like Marl.Va over there


I can also heal a player from attacks, but I have to alternate between the two every night


I see nervousness here. Not sure what kind (so can’t make a solid read), but it’s something.

Also I am pretty sure that there is no claim vig since they didnt day vig margaret after icewall What would lead to us lynching luxy

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You can never be too careful, but since I’m fully outted, I’m a vig target


You are notified about it?

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I’m not notified, but I have a strong feeling in my gut about it


I have a stronger feeling in My gut that you are getting lynched

/vote Squid

Before I forget.

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Well, when you think that you are getting shotted, then the more likely you are scum @_@

Don’t make me throw my bottle of whiskey at you


Ici werent u supposed to be Second Hammer

Since you appeared after being very quiet answer me

Your reads?

@Icibalus since it was your peek, I wanted you to be one of hammers

No read at all :stuck_out_tongue:

You must certainly have a read if you’re voting me unless if you’re sheeping just for towncred


I am just sheeping for one of the scraps.

If Ici doesn’t want one of hammers, I will take his.


. . .

Honestly maybe mafia wouldn’t be so blandly honest about it