Overwatch Forum Mafia - Talon wins! - (4/28) - Day 5

/unvote for now then, my hammer effect is super good so yeah

Like super super?

My hammer is too situational to work

Indeed, and it combos very well with this current map. We need another lock villa to take the second to last vote for obvious reasons, of course.

With any luck this wagon will be pretty pure for a while longer.

Well My Hammer is pretty Good so I would like to do it

yes but mine’s almost certainly better
it’s the best part of my entire class tbh

And bear in mind the rest of my abilities are nothing to scoff at.

But 2 ppl can hammer

Everyone wanna hammer but me
Have humility folks

Mine works better if i’m the actual hammer. You’ll see.

Well you can be 1 Hammer I will be Second

I will take second to last, you will take last.

I mean, after me argueing with Marl ect. ect. there won’t be better candidate.

And yours is… public reveal of aligment? Copping 2 people?
Meh… whatever.

I don’t even know what flavor you are, lel.

Relax, Eevee. With any luck, nothing dishonourable will happen.

But I was supposed to be Second Hammer :sob:

Let’s pray Squid is scum

Jail me hjasik boi

I mean we could assume Eevee is mafia pushing for mislynch or she was framed if Squiddy flipped OW.

Lets not tell mafia Who I am jailing

Ok boi

But you don’t even think about that possibility, you just want to lynch my ass