Overwatch Forum Mafia - Talon wins! - (4/28) - Day 5

Eh, I read you as a townlean but Merc’s locktown so I’d rather put my charge vote over there in all honesty.

I’m a gambling man but when one of your bets results in three town going boom, it’s time to call it quits.

Yeah, that does make sense but I’m still confirmed mechanically and we all trusted marl for some stupid reason

What does merc’s ult do again?

I didn’t claim it entirely yet
I’m just saying it is very derp to use it until the benefits outweights the injuries.

But if situation X is met, it will combo perfectly with Numbani
And situation X is still not met.

/charge Mercenary

/vote Busan I love memes, I need this in my life

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at endgame son

uwu, fine.

We were voting Eichenwalde. Why?

Charge me so I could day vig someone / boost all outs thanks

All others have downbacks and Numbani is useless with a strongman alive


/vote Eichenwalde

I’d like to draw your attention to this, from Marl’s flip:

There might not be one anymore.

Wait I don’t have a charge vote?
/vote Bluestorm

Force a claim out of me all you want but force a claim out of Cheesy first k thx.

/vote BlueStorm hmmm

You are my savior
Anyway vote Einchesomething pls I have a plan

But it would need me to get enough charges to throw my Ultimate

/vote Eichenwalde

A’ight, I trust you.

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Can someone please ping our ghosts since I’m on phone

Oi! /Map Eichenwalde

/charge Merc