Overwatch Forum Mafia - Talon wins! - (4/28) - Day 5

Thank you so much. <3
I still need a Merc unvote though.


Merc unvote me for Sam if you want it will rand.

Vote Counter

Accused Voter Number Of Votes
NinjaPenguin BazingaBoy, Geyde, Insanity, Mercenary 4
Insanity BlueStorm, GamerPoke, NinjaPenguin 3
Sam17z MaximusPrime, Shurian, Marcus_Doodalee 3
Shurian Captain 1
None Sam17z, Soulshade55r, Queen_Alfa, CheeseyKnives 4

The EoD has been reached. Stop posting.

NinjaPenguin and either Insanity or Sam17z will be lynched!


NinjaPenguin has been eliminated by Mercenary. NinjaPenguin was~

NinjaPenguin's Flip


“Imagination is the essence of discovery.”
You are the Overwatch Day Jailkeeper and Gunsmith!

Tesla Cannon (Passive) - If you hammer a Talon member then your Jump Pack will also track your target’s visits for tonight.
Barrier Projector (Day) - Your target will not be able to use day abilities or ultimates nor be affected by them for the remainder of the day. - 3 uses.
Jump Pack (Night) - You will learn if a player can kill via their passive or a non-ultimate day or night action. The Talon factional kill does not count towards this requirement. - Infinite uses.

Primal Rage (Ultimate)
Cost - 0/3200 Charges
Activation Text - “WRAUGH!

Once during the Lynch Phase, you can use your ultimate and you will gain death immunity for the coming night and the next. While the death immunity is active your Jump Pack can target two players in one night.

NinjaPenguin's Logs

N1 Ici no killing
N2 Cheesy has killing
I suggest lynching the people I said and stopping all this ridiculous apathy. Captain-Geyde are near guaranteed to have one scum amongst them so try to solve that instead of wandering aimlessly k thx.

Insanity has been eliminated by GamerPoke. Insanity was~

Insanity's Flip


“Build 'em up, Break 'em down.”
You are the Overwatch Protective Mason!

Rivet Gun (Passive) - If you hammer a Talon member, you will gain 5 Scraps. If you’re on a wagon that eliminates a Talon member, you will gain 2 Scraps. You will also passively gain 1 Scrap per night and you begin with 2 Scraps.
Forge Hammer (Passive) - You will share a chatroom with Bastion, who you know is aligned with Overwatch.
Armor Pack (Day) - Prevents a target from dying for the remainder of the day or at night. Consumes 2 Scraps. - Infinite uses.
Build Turret (Night) - Sets up a permanent turret on another player. If they would be nightkilled then the turret dies instead. You will be told when your turrets are attacked. Consumes 4 Scraps. - Infinite uses.

Molten Core (Ultimate)
Cost - 0/2700 Charges
Activation Text - “MOLTEN CORE!

Once during the Lynch Phase, you can use your ultimate and you will gain 4 Scraps and your turrets will also kill any incoming attackers for the coming night.

Insanity's Logs

Insanity the Torbjörn:

N1: No action
N2: No action
D3: Armor pack myself
N3: Build turret on Marcus.
Note: Marcus is mason, who I know is OW, so he is confirmed.
Congrat gamer.

Please send your night actions to me by this time the next day. The night has begun and it will end October 23, 2018 2:50 AM


Good lord suicide Mafia are not fun :stuck_out_tongue:

Wait @NinjaPenguin joined and nobody told me

Holy crap hi dude

Been meaning to play with you but have only been in two games in the past like two plus months

One was a newbie game where I was a mentor and the other I joined because there was a prize tbh

We really need to join something together now that my finals are wrapping up

Now sorry @Alice, I’ll stop posting out of line now

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@invoker has replaced @Soulshade55r

A new day dawns, but overnight carnage struck and five players were eliminated.

BazingaBoy was found dead last night. They were~

BazingaBoy's Flip


“Everything can be hacked… and everyone.”
You are the Overwatch Observer and Slank Ambusher!

Machine Pistol (Passive) - If you hammer a Talon member or kill them at night via Opportunist then you will gain a free use of Hack the next day and your Translocator will automatically take effect.
Opportunist (Passive) - If a player with a post counter lower than 20 multiplied by the number of nights visits your target via Hack, then you will kill them.
Hack (Day) - You will know who will visit your target by the end of the coming night. - 3 uses.
Stealth (Night) - You will know who your target visits tonight. - Infinite uses.
Translocator (Night) - You will know who visits you tonight, if you are attacked then you will survive the attack but will not be notified. - 3 uses.

EMP (Ultimate)
Cost - 0/2300 Charges
Activation Text - “¡Apagando las luces!

Once during the Lynch Phase, you can use your ultimate and you will know the targets for the visits of all Talon-aligned players for the coming night.

BazingaBoy's Logs

d1 hack mathblade (killed wazza)
n1 stealth kitten, (kitten visited bluestorm)
d2 hack luxy
n2 translocator
d3 hack merc
n3 translocate

Ninjapenguin and shurian are mafia
possibly sam

Shurian was found dead last night. They were~

Shurian's Flip


“Cheers, love! The cavalry’s here!”
You are the Overwatch Slank Vigilante!

Pulse Pistols (Passive) - If you hammer or night kill a Talon member, your gain an additional use of Recall.
Blink (Night) - Kills a player providing their slot has an overall post count lower than 30 multiplied by the current night. - Infinite uses.
Recall (Day) - Prevents your Blink from killing Overwatch-aligned players tonight. - 0 uses.

Pulse Bomb (Ultimate)
Cost - 0/2900 Charges
Activation Text - “Locked on!

Once during the Lynch Phase, you can use your ultimate and you will kill two players who have the lowest post count.

Shurian's Logs

N1) Attack Wazza
D2) Recall
N3) Blinking Soul - May be redirected to others.
Bazing was townlean, but his actions lead me as sus…
Marcus is okay.
Cap is… sus as soon as he subbed in.
I gosh darned screwed on the firekitten miller part…
Maxi is sus if I die n3 instead of getting lynched. But otherwise looks town.
Insanity and Alfa are quiet. Alfa tho.
Soulshader’s getting a free ride and confirming him as town is like knowing dead wood’s in your team.
Geyde has been townread the entire game, but I dont know why, just look into him again for good measure.
GamerPoke is not talking due to vacation?? Hes like… deadderinoes??
Wtf is Sam doing? Hes like being overly paranoid in this situation.

Marcus_Doodalee was found dead last night. They were~

Marcus_Doodalee's Flip


Bwee, hoo hoo, bwoo.
You are the Overwatch PGO and Mason!

Configuration: Sentry (Passive) - If you hammer a Talon member in the Sentry Mode, you will become death immune for the coming night.
Configuration: Recon (Passive) - If you hammer a Talon member in the Recon Mode, you will be allowed to night kill a player outside their wagon.
Ironclad (Passive) - You will share a chatroom with Torbjörn, who you know is aligned with Overwatch.
Reconfigure (Day) - Swaps between the default Recon mode and the Sentry mode. Any player visiting you in the sentry mode will be killed but you cannot be healed nor protected in this form. - Infinite uses.
Self-Repair (Night) - Grants death immunity for the night, even if you are in the Sentry Mode. - One use.

Configuration: Recon (Ultimate)
Cost - 0/2900 Charges
Activation Text - “Boo doo bo dee, boo dee!

Once during the Lynch Phase, you can use your ultimate and both of your configuration passives will activate regardless if you hammered a Talon member.

We could not find any logs.

CheeseyKnives was found dead last night. They were~

CheeseyKnives' Flip


“Your safety is my primary concern.”

You are Orisa, the Talon PGO and Claim Vigilante!

Fusion Driver (Passive) - For every night kill you perform, you may also kill up to one additional target who have fully claimed. If you have hammered an Overwatch-aligned player during the day, then you gain another use of Protective Barrier.
Protective Barrier (Day) - Grants day immunity to a Talon Member. - 3 uses.
Halt! (Night) - Redirects a player to another target. - 3 uses.
Fortify (Night) - You will kill any player visiting you tonight. - 2 uses.

Supercharger (Ultimate)
Cost - 0/1800 Charges
Activation Text - “Cease your resistance!

Once during the Lynch Phase, you can use your ultimate to guarantee the success of every Talon member’s actions.

We could not find any logs.

Mercenary was found dead last night. They were~

Mercenary's Flip


“Come on, let’s bring it together!”
You are the Overwatch Supportive Neighbourizer!

Sonic Amplifier (Passive) - If you hammer a Talon member then you can pick up to three players in your neighborhood, including you, to gain a double-vote. Every time a Talon member is lynched while you’re on the wagon, then you can add two players to your neighborhood, otherwise you can only add a single player per night. You may remove them whenever you wish
Wall Ride (Passive) - You cannot be occupied at neither day nor night.
Amp it Up (Day) - Boosts the Ultimate Charges from Crossfade to 300 or increases the healing limit to five players. - 2 uses.
Crossfade (Night) - You can choose to either give 150 Ultimate Charges to each player in your neighborhood or heal up to two of them tonight. - Infinite uses.

Sound Barrier (Ultimate)
Cost - 0/2600 Charges
Activation Text - “Oh, let’s break it down!

Once during the Lynch Phase, you can use your ultimate and all players in your neighborhood will be given day and night immunity for this cycle. However, all kills on them will be guaranteed the next cycle.

Mercenary's Logs

É creu é creu neles é creu nelas
Bora que vamos, bora que vamos.

Pra dançar creu tem que ter disposição
Pra dançar creu tem que ter habilidade
Pois essa dança ela não é mole não
Eu venho te lembrar são cinco velocidades

Pra dançar creu tem que ter disposição
Pra dançar creu tem que ter habilidade
Eu venho te lembrar que ela não e mole não
Eu venho te falar que são cinco velocidades

A primeira é devagarzinho, e só aprendizado hein
É assim o…
Creeeuuu creeeuuu creeeuuu se ligou de novo creeeuuu
creeeuuu creeeuuu

Numero dois

Creeuu creeuu creeuu creeuu creeuu creeuu, continua
fácil né, de novo creeuu creeuu creeuu creuu creeuu

Numero três

Creuu creuu creuu creuu creuu creuu creuu creuu creuu
creuu creuu creuu tá ficando dificil hein… Creuu creuu
creuu creuu creuu creuu creuu creuu creuu creuu creuu
creuu …

Agora eu quero ver na quatro hein
Creu tá aumentando mané
creu creu creu creu creu
creu creu creu creu creu creu creu creu creu …

Segura dj vou confessar a vocês que eu não consigo a
numero cinco hein dj velocidade cinco na dança do
creu creu creu creu creu creu creu creu creu creu creu
creu creu creu creu creu creu creu creu creu creu creu
creu creu creu creu creu creu creu creu creu creu creu
creu creu creu creu creu creu creu creu creu creu creu
creu creu creu creu creu creu creu creu creu creu creu
hahahahaha …
creu creu creu creu creu creu creu creu creu creu creu
creu creu creu creu creu creu creu creu creu creu creu
creu creu creu creu creu creu creu creu creu creu creu
creu creu creu creu creu creu creu creu creu creu creu
creu creu creu creu creu creu creu creu creu creu creu
creu …


Now arriving in Eichenwalde.

The effects for this map are the following -

  • Crusader’s Last Stand - Upon being lynched, the lynchee will be granted a dayvig to use during the EoD.

  • Honor and Justice - The player that gains the most Ultimate Charges in the Charge Phase will become immune to death for the rest of the day.

The Fourth Day has begun.

The Day Phase I has begun and you may now select to charge a player besides yourself alongside a map for the second day and night cycle. The list of maps and their effects can be found in the original post.

The Day Phase I will end in 24 hours on October 23, 2018 3:00 AM

I will reclaim my master’s armor!



Charge Counter

Ultimate Receiver Giver Number Of Givers
None Bluestorm, Captain, Sam17z, GamerPoke, MaximusPrime, Invoker, Geyde, Queen_Alfa, 8

Map Counter

Map Voter Number Of Voters
None Bluestorm, Captain, Sam17z, GamerPoke, MaximusPrime, Invoker, Geyde, Queen_Alfa, 8

With 8 players alive, each vote grants 350 Ultimate charges.

what the actual fuck

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how did he die tho

assuming strongarm

thx but untrue

also 2 slank vigs big rip

will take a look at ur reads later


I’m glad I didn’t full claim

Now I can fully claim but god damn… really?

My abilities:
Day: Biotic Nade, gives someone 150% ult charge if they are alignemed with OW the next day. Otherwise, ifthey are Talon, it reduces to 75%
Night: Sleep Dart, prevents someone from getting ult charge during the day
I’m the OW charger basically

btw i was in lucio’s neighborhood last night but merc didn’t really say much… i’ll go double check tho

Merc no idea wtf ur logs are btw

If you healed me, thx, if you didn’t, oh well

BTW the person i naded yesterday is still alive soooo yeah they should be able to ult if aligned with OW

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Oh yeah btw at 1006/2500 charge and my ult is nano boost obv, it allows me to allow another player to use their ultimate without using their ult charge, as i have already stated

so yeah, i’m the OW charger/drainer

/vote Geyde

@BlueStorm @Captain @Sam17z @GamerPoke @Invoker @Geyde @Queen_Alfa pls get on and post

you should all full claim now that cheesy is dead

hmmm maybe route 66? i doubt they have any more day kills, or at least that the strongman effect will have any effect whatsoever
or maybe Temple of Anubis?

nvm alice just updated me, my charge is at 1880/2500

thx, whoever charged me

now i just have to wait for you guys to get online