Overwatch Forum Mafia - Talon wins! - (4/28) - Day 5

Elimination passive is Storm Bow

Day Ability: Lunge

Night ability: Sonic Arrow

Ult: Dragonstrike

makes sense, i suppose

everyone else now pls

also wdym by “empowering ultimates”

It says empowers ultimates. Sarun didn’t really explain that part to me. Yeah I agree it’s pretty vague

ask them in ur classcard then

Ok will do

N1 - follow firekitten visited bluestorm
N2 - Follow bazboy (no feed back) I assume he didn’t visit anyone?
N3 - Follow Alfa (no feed back) no visit again?

I used lunge d3 btw

Okep, going to bed. Let’s get some inactives to play the game so we can gamesolves thanks my dudes

/map Antarctica

I’m Roadhog btw.

Hammer passive (scrap gun) lets me occupy one target bypassing immunities.

Day ability (take a breather) gives me immunity to redirection and occupation.

Night ability (chain hook) redirects a target to me and I don’t die if I redirect an attack.

Ultimate (whole hog, costs 2800) lets me redirect 2 other targets to myself.

Logs will be posted when I can get to somewhere I can copy-paste, cause I can’t on mobile for whatever reason.

I am responsible for that btw, i occupied Shurian last night

Unless you’re redirect immune then I can safely say you didn’t.

Fatman Logs:
N1: No action
D2: No action
N2: Chain Hook Gamer
D3: Breather
N3: Chain Hook Captain

Alright then i am not redirect immune.

So how would you explain the lack of death from Shade?

Most likely death immune

/vote Bluestorm

This page isn’t showing up to me on main feed. Could only find it by looking through MY posts.

There is 2 Talon left.

Give me charge I’m Genji. When I ult, I get one time immunity and refresh all abilities.

Have night ability to redirect when attacked, and a one time use dayvig


Go to the bottom of the page, click on the button that says “Tracking”, and change it to “Watching”.

You should do this with all your games! :slight_smile:


Rocket Launcher- If I hammer a Talon, I will be able to use Jump Jet twice the next day.

Jump Jet - lets me check someone’s night abilities.

Concussive Blast - Lets me Occupy up to two players marked with Jump Jet.

Barrage (Ultimate)
Costs 3100 Charges
I can use my ultimate to look at the cards of up to two players marked with Jump Jet.

My abilites summarized

That’s always the first thing I do :grinning: